Monday 30 September 2013

Research into Chosen Music Genre 15 @

The genre of music that Nina Nesbit sings is singer/songwriter acoustic indie. This is a genre i am very keen on as there are many artists who put a lot of thought into their songs and they tell a lot about the artist. Like Nina who talks about relationships, there are many others such as John Mayer and Taylor Swift. I thought it was a good idea to do Nina Nesbit as she isn't mainstream and we could make a really emotional heartfelt music video rather than a video that doesn't mean anything.

I am going to analyse Adele and Amy Winehouse from the singer/songwriter genre. Both these artists have made songs which are very soulful and have a nice meaning to them. This what makes me relate to them and want to always listen to them. Adele's song 'Someone Like You' which is about her ex boyfriend finding another girl and settling down with her which is something she didn't get to experience with him. Amy Winehouse's song 'Rehab' is about people telling her she should go to rehab but she doesn't want to, both of these songs relate to their lives. Which is probably the main thing in Singer/Songwriters that they write about their lives, this makes it more personal and lets them relate to their audience more.

Adele 'Someone Like You' -
Black and white film
Its a performance music video
By herself by the river
Simple music video
Handheld camera - easy
Not a lot of effort
Emotional music video links in with the song
Becomes a bit bold at the end - her make up is dark around her eyes

Amy Winehouse 'Rehab'
Musicians follow her around the house
Trumpets and drums
Pajamas - simple
Her life is simple and knows she doesn't want to go to rehab
Different settings - bathroom bedroom office
White room which looks like prison - as if she has been arrested for drugs

Mise-en-scene is used in Adele's video 'Someone Like You' by

The setting is a simple shot by the riverside, this shows her soft side and that she can be vulnerable even though she is dressed in black showing that she is a strong individual but have a conventional setting lets us know that she really is sensitive. The only person who is in the music video is Adele herself. This again shows her sensitive side and that she's isolated. There is a dark figure behind her at the end but you don't get to see any of his features as he is in shadow. There isn't much lighting and the colour is in black and white, this shows that she isn't very confident and adds a mystery about the song of who's it about. There isn't any props which is fairly conventional about the genre that their simple and leave all of the attention to the voice and instruments, which are often a common sighting in this music genre.

The camera shots which have been used in Adele's music video for 'Someone like you' are mainly close ups. This is so we can see her singing the song and her facial expressions, this lets us have a closer relationship with the artist and can relate to her more as we think we can feel her emotion. There is also mid shots to show her outfit and that it is all black, this is common in mourning clothes which makes us feel as though she has lost someone forever which the lyrics are about. We also see the grounds around her while she is walking down the river, there are many locations in London which shows that this is her home town.
Their isn't any editing used in Adele's music video.This makes the whole video very simple and shows again how vulnerable she is. The whole video the camera is following her walking beside the river.

The target audience for Adele, would be women from 14 - 30. Many different ages listen to Adele for the meaning of the song for older women who have been in that situation and for younger people who love her voice. This means that her target audience could be quiet wide and her secondary audience is even wider with lots of different women and even men listening to her music to relax. The artist is represented as a real girl, who has a natural voice and sings songs which can relate to lots of girls. This makes her more approachable and relatable as the audience think that she is down to earth and goes through a lot of what every 'normal' person goes through. The style of music video for Adele's song 'Someone like you' is performance, as she is singing into the camera while walking down the river. She is also alone and their isn't much of a narrative. In 'Someone like you' there is a link between the music and visuals, as its a very soft song with a lot of meaning and she's walking past the river which is romantic. Also genre characteristics as you would expect a songwriters lyrics to be thoughtful and have a lot of meaning.

Mise-en-scene is used in Amy Winehouse's video 'Rehab' by

The music video is set in various rooms in a house, at first she is in her bedroom dressed in a dressing gown, this shows her vulnerability with drug use. She is surrounded by musicians playing their instrument, this makes her image very real and natural. All of the musicians are dressed in their pajamas as well which fits in with the style of music video. As she walks around the house we find that the musicians follow her around still playing their instruments. As the song progresses Amy gets changed into a white coat which again shows her vulnerability but shows she has a bit more confidence in saying no to going to rehab as she is covered up more and her musicians are still dress in their night clothes. In the bridge of the song she seems like she has more of an attitude as well as being in a black jacket.

The music video is 90% performance and 10% context as she is always singing to the camera. The camera shots used are close ups, mid shots and long shots that gradually change from each. This lets the audience see more of the set. There are a lot of straight cuts which is the only editing style used. This is used throughout the music video at roughly 3/4 seconds average although they change a lot at 1 second to get more in the music video while letting the audience see the musicians playing. 

The target audience for Amy Winehouse is roughly 14-25 years old. This is because its a very emotional video, this will attract the audience as they would feel involved with Amy always performing to the audience. The artist is represented as a very crazy individual who's singing a song about drugs, this lets the audience know that she is involved in them while her parents are trying to get her to go to rehab. As she is a singer/songwriter we expect her to write about her life and for her songs to be about the experiences she has had. 

I think the research on 2 artists from the singer/songwriter genre will assist planning my own music video by giving me ideas about performance style. It will also help me with ideas as they are both the only performer in the music video although Amy had musicians in her they aren't a main character.

2)     Music analysis Identify 2 different music artists that are similar to your chosen music artist. Analyse the following points:
1) Analyse a music video and identify the codes and conventions
2) Discuss how mise-en-scene is used
3) Explain what the main camera shots are
4) Explain what the main editing styles are
5) Define the target audience
6) How is the artist represented?
7) What is the style of the music video?
8) How is Goodwin’s theory on music video characteristics used?

3)     Summary Explain how your research on your chosen music genre will assist you with planning your own music video

1 comment:

  1. This post does not demonstrates any understanding of your chosen music genre and this is because you have not analysed the correct music artists from the genre. You need to carry out more in dept analysis of your genre and include points on the indie music genre only.
