Tuesday 8 October 2013

Questionnaire * 9,10,11,12


Questionnaires are important when considering a target audience as you can find out what a group of people think about different types of music and music videos. This makes the creator change their ideas to suit the target audience that would be watching, and then can attract the audience more. In our questionnaire we are trying to get to know the audience a lot so we can find out what would be better for them and what they would prefer to watch. We have written questions such as 'What is your gender' and 'How old are you' to 40 people who have answered them and we have our results in pie charts. This has given us an insight into what most people prefer to see and whether we can fit it into our music video.

We decided to make pie charts rather than a graph or just documenting our results as its a fun way to show our results and is very simple to use. This means that it is easy for us to see which each person preferred and which answer was the majority in the pie chart. Below are our results in the pie chart format.

We decided to film people answering some of our questions as evidence that we have asked people the questionnaire. This shows a wide variety of people and what music they prefer and other questions. It went very well and we got a wide variety of answers. As well as lots of different ages which will help us with our target audience. It will help us while planning our music video as we can refer back to the answers we have recieved whether it should be a fast or slow paced music video or whether we should make it performance or narrative based, along with many other questions. Below is the footage of our Vox Pops. 


The purpose of the target audience was to get a greater understanding into what our audience would enjoy. We would then take this into account and decide what to put into our music video to suit many different types of people. We carried out a questionnaire which we had 40 people answer and made into a pie chart. We designed 5 questions that we asked 6 people while they were being filmed this is for evidence that we have asked a range of audience members that could listen to Nina Nesbitt and watch our music video. I think the vox pops was successful and i think we learnt a lot about the different ages and genders that will help us plan what features we require in our music video and especially who the target audience is that Nina Nesbitt has. Such as we had an 18 year old that had heard of Nina Nesbitt this shows that cos of her age she may find out about more newcomers into music and will not be as well known in the older adults. Also because Nina is young so she can relate to her.
We asked 6 people whether they preferred fast pace or slow paced music video. Everyone said that they preferred fast paced music which has made us think we should have a fast paced music video so there is more to watch and keep track of rather than a slow music video which they may find boring. This is when we come up with the idea of memories of her and her boyfriend/ex-boyfriend which will have lots of fun clips of them which will intruige the audience and want to know what else they got up to.
Another question we asked was whether they prefer a performance or narrative style music video. This mostly come back as narrative being the most popular. This again told us that we should have a meaning within the music video. Although we are going to have a bit of performance to change it up a bit and so it isn't all memories, and can have a bit of fun with it.
Grant McCracken believes that the postmodern world is full of diversity, dynamism and creativity. McCracken says that if we look at the array of values and ideologies then we cant say all sub cultures come from one culture.
CCCS view ignores this, they think it assumes that all subcultures come from one culture (reaction to mainstream).
Hebdige come to the conclusion that although some people think subculture only appear to be different but deep down they are the same, he says if you look deeper, there is enough richness to warrant renaming 'subcultures' as 'little cultures'.
We think that McCracken's theory will suit our music video as the genre is diverse. We will have scenes in our music video where its slightly Indie such as Georgia singing beneath a tree with her guitar. This is a convention of Indie music as you expect many people who listen to this kind of music to be musical. There are also clips of memories which are going to be quiet fun and crazy. This again shows the rebelliousness of Indie listeners who are rebelling against the media who wants everyone to listen to pop. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of why primary research is essential to carry out. You have considered a range of research sources, but you need to explain in further detail, what their purpose is in more detail.

    Your evaluation, also helps to show some understanding of how your results will assist you with planning your music video. But further points are needed
