Wednesday 23 October 2013

Planning Editing Styles

- why is editing important within a music video
-what editing styles are you planning on including and why? (4) effect?
- how are your editing styles conventional to your msuic genre
-how will your editing, help to build a relationship with your target audience?

Editing is important within a music video as it can distinguish the different between a fast paced music video and a slow paced music video. These both use different editing skills. A fast paced music video like ours will have many quick scenes which will attract the audience more as there are more shots which will tell more of a story. This also attracts the audience as most people prefer fast paced music, on the other hand slow paced music will use a single shot and use it for a few seconds while panning or zooming. In order to edit, we have used a programme called Final Cut Pro. This allows users to cut footage and crop it to fit in with the segment before. It also lets you move them around and at effects to make the music video look more professional. 

What editing styles are you planning on including and why? 

In our music video we have decided to make it look like there are memories, in order to let this come across to our audience we have chosen use effects such as sepia or monochrome. We also used sharp lighting in between clips to show that it's a contrast between a memory and the present time. For the audience to differentiate between the past and present, there is a change of lighting and edits within the footage. I think that the editing style is conventional for the Indie genre and with the different memories which it shows and the editing which is used it shows the strengths and weaknesses in the relationship. This makes the target audience for Georgia Ray wider as it will relate to anyone going through a tough relationship. It will also allow audience members to remember memories that they shared with loved ones. 
An editing style that we have used is Blurred frame. This allows us to have part of the frame partially blurry and another part of the frame clear. This lets the audience know what part of the music video they need to focus on. 

How are your editing styles conventional to your music genre?

In our music video, we have used many straight cuts and fast paced frames. This gives the impression that it's telling a story. We have used a very simple editing style so the audience dont get distracted by the cuts. On the other hand we have used lots of effects which help the audience differentiate between present time and memories. In the indie genre, we regularly see simple editing so they don't let themselves become to mainstream. We also see very simple story lines, which we have tried to recreate with our storyline. A boy and a girl who are in a relationship and go through a rough patch disclosing many memories they have had during the music video. 

How does it build a relationship with your target audience? 

The editing styles throughout our music video relate to the audience as with many straight cuts it allows the audience to focus more on the story line and music video itself rather than focus on the different editing styles which we use. During our music video we have many different paces, such as fast and slow. These change throughout regarding the lyrics in the song. This outlines dyers star theory who believe lyrics and visuals have a relationship. With the different styles it allows the artist to have a bigger target audience, those who like slow paced songs and those who like up beat songs. This will encourage the audience members to be interested more in the artist and listen to their other songs. The fact that the audience are more likely going to understand the music video with the simpler editing styles means that the audience will be able to see more of what  Georgia Ray as an artist and as a human being is like. This will let them relate their idol more and grow a connection. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not evaluated the different editing styles that you would like to include and the effect that these style have on your audience and your chosen music genre. You have included some points, but you have only included basic styles just as straight cuts and fast paste, what about transitions?
