Friday 18 October 2013

Storyboards - 17 *

·         What is the purpose of a storyboard?
·         How did you use your primary and secondary research that you carried out, to plan your music video?
·         How did you and your group storyboard your music video?
·         How did you share the responsibility?
·         Did you follow your storyboards, or did you make changes?
·         Include your storyboards

The purpose of a storyboard is to plan what is going to happen in the time we have planned to film, it lets us reflect back to the storyboards and remind ourselves if we have forgotten to film a certain shot. Whilst making the storyboard we write what actors are going to be in the shot, what editing should be made to it and what camera shots it would need so the audience can tell what's going on in the music video. By completing the storyboards we could find out in an easier way how the outcome would be if we did different shots which will show us if it looks good. If we hadn't of made the storyboards before filming we would have made it more confusing for ourself with how much we should film, it let us know how much we need to film in the different settings in order to have enough footage for the whole song. We also was able to add sections which each of us may have wanted which was a new idea, this let us plan about how to film it if it was going to be a bit difficult and make sure our audience would get what is going on.

Our group made some research before planning our music video which included vox pops and a questionnaire where we asked a random selection of people questions about different types of genres and questions related to the music video we had yet to film. Each answer we had back from our research helped us plan for out music video which would let us relate more to our target audience. We tried to make sure that the answers we got from our research could make the artist draw more of a connection with the audience and let the music video relate to the songs lyrics. 

When making the storyboard we each had a different idea which we wanted to bring into the storyboard process, all of us wanted the same idea to come across in our music video which we based on Rihanna's music video 'We found love'. As it is an indie video we knew that we needed to add some conventional features such as using an instrument and dressing with an indie style, we also needed to make sure we added the information which we recieved during our research to make sure we was making the music video suitable for all genres although sticking to our target audience which is 13-24 years old. 

We shared the responsibility during filming evenly, with Georgia being the actor she didn't have much to do when we was filming although she was constantly giving ideas on different shots that we should use. This also worked with Drew as he was seen frequently in the music video. Me and Jenna did the most filming which made us try and get everything that was happening in the shot so that the audience would be able to get the most from the music video. With many different camera shots and many different tapings where for one setting we used more than one camera shot, we tried to find the best shot that would go best with the music video so we could make the best music video. 

As a group coming up with lots of ideas, which we added into the storyboards we basically followed the storyboards near enough to the point as we felt that we had made good points in the storyboards and places to film which were conventional for an indie music video. This meant that there wasn't much that we didn't have that had to be re written as we didn't think it would work. Although we changed bits around in the editing process of the music video, we mainly kept what we wanted to film that we noted on the storyboard. We managed to stay focused and planned the time well, we didn't change the time that it would be viewed in the music video as 'The Apple Tree' is a fairly fast song we felt that fast clips would be better than slow clips that would be on the screen for a few seconds. 

1 comment:

  1. The two pages of storyboards that you have included above, demonstrates basic planning techniques and this is because you have not considered the whole of your video and have only focused on only a few seconds, which demonstrates minimal planning. Therefore, you need to complete the rest of your planning.

    Also ensure that your description of why a storyboard is important is written by yourself and that it is not coppied from another group member!
