Tuesday 17 September 2013

Research into Music Genres 7 *

In our lessons, we have analysed two films together which are 'Over' - Drake and 'Club cant handle me' - Flo Rida. Music Videos can appeal to an audience by inviting you into their lifestyle during the clip. This can be looking into the camera so you feel they are singing to you, or have expensive possessions in the video so you get invited into what they spend their money on to encourage you to buy some of the stuff they have. We have seen this in both 'Over' and 'Club cant handle me' with the cars that they have and the clothes. This shows us that they live extravagant lifestyles and are not scared of splashing some cash.

Iconography was evident in the music video Drake 'Over' by the use of the lamp which switches on and off and symbolises their lifestyle. This highlights to the audience what he is saying in the song that is an important bit. Drake also switches from low key lighting to high key lighting which makes the audience feel on edge, this is typical for a rap artist to use as they are telling their story of when they were younger when most of them went through a tough time. Drake also wears a red jacket which portrays anger and relates to how he feels.

The Editing portrayed in 'Over' by Drake are the colours which filter through the room, which show how his lifestyle has gone from nothing to a crazy schedule. Theres also relationships between the lyrics and visuals which is a point from Goodwin's theory that is used in music videos. This show Goodwin's Theory is correct while using Drake's video. The video is quiet fast paced so it makes the audience enjoy it more and constantly have something to look at.

The camera shots which are used are a shallow focus of the girl, the girl in the background is blurry so it shows that she may be trying to come between the other two and create a love triangle. This shows that he loves the girl that is in focus and which we see regularly throughout the song. The establishing shot of Drake in the bedroom on the back walls show that the city is moving quickly which relates to his life.

The Iconography which is conveyed in Flo Rida's 'Club cant handle me right now' are the bottles which are alit with sparkles, this fits the narrative with the dancing women. Shows tension typical for rap artist to advertise their crazy lifestyle.

Lighting is shown by low key in the club which changed to high key this shows their is a crazy atmosphere in the club and everyone is having a good time.

The Setting which has been chosen for the music video is in a club typical of dance videos to show dancers and that they are having a good time. The Visuals relate to the music which again is a point from Goodwin's Theory.

The camera shots used are a long shot which focuses on the lamboghini shows their wealth and power which makes their fans want to be just like them with all the new equipment and create the perfect party atmosphere.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a basic understanding of how micro elements are used within music genres. This is because the points that you have included are difficult to read and this is because you have not explored the points in enough detail.

    However, the points that you have included on Drake, demonstrates some understanding of micro elements and this is because you have explored a number of points. However, the points on Flo Rider are too basic and it is difficult to understand what you have included.

    Aim to read over your work, before your publish it and ensure that you have included the correct information, as there are no indications of what music video you are analysing. Also aim to include still images to support the points that you are making.

    A third music video is also missing!
