Tuesday 5 November 2013

Magazine Advert Analysis

Magazine advert analysis

Task 2: Analyse 2 magazine adverts, one for your chosen artist and one for a similar artist, using the same bullet points above.
Include a summary at the end of your blog to show how you will use your research to inform your planning and creating your own advert for your own artist.  

The purpose of a magazine advert is to promote the artist. This is whether its to promote an album, a tour or a song. In my case, Nina Nesbitt is promoting a UK tour.

Nina Nesbitt's representation is that she is an indie musician, who writes her own music and is very raw. This makes her original to other artists as she is very down to earth and still makes music with her guitar. Nina is iconic for singing while playing the guitar, as in most of her videos there is a guitar as well as in the track. In the poster shown above, you can tell she has a different style, by wearing a chequered top with sunglasses while performing. This shows how laid back she is while performing and that it comes naturally and she doesn't have to pretend to be something she's not for the record label. You can also see her guitar strap which connotes her rawness that she plays guitar while on stage singing, and that if anything did go wrong it wouldn't matter because she could pick it back up and no one would realise. She also is smiling, this shows that she is happy with what she is doing and enjoying being up on the stage showing people her music. 

The colours on the advert are quiet dark with white writing to stand out. The picture seems to be taken from a festival that she was performing at as she is wearing sunglasses. She has her own signature logo which she uses on albums and singles. With 11 tour dates in the UK this shows that she is popular although she's only been in the industry for a short time. This handwriting is in simple white writing so it is easy to understand. 

The layout used attracts you to the advert as there is a pretty girl who is smiling. This makes you intrigued to find out what it is all about. The bold writing with her name on the front again makes you want to know more about her and hear her songs. I think the choice of image is good as she looks as though she's having a good time and you always want to be involved. Because it is a candid shot this makes her more natural and more approachable, letting the audience enjoy her music more. 

There isn't much language used as they are listing the dates where and when Nina Nesbitt will be performing. The advert promotes the music genre as you can see she is using a guitar so has an indie style to her music. This will attract those who like other alternative artists. The advert promotes the artist as they see that she is performing in many different cities in the UK. This means they may be able to buy tickets and see her performing live or even search her on youtube to find out some of the songs she has written.

The advert attracts the audience as it is very bold with one picture that stands out, this makes them want to know what it is about as they don't see Nina's face all the time. This makes people become aware of her as a singer and can become interested in her. Also because she is young and her audience is of a young adult age, they will feel like their going through the same life experiences at the same time as Nina which will make the audience connect more with the artist and the music. 

In this second Nina Nesbitt advert for a song named ''Don't Stop''. This seems to be a more of a planned photo shoot for the single. We can see her name Nina Nesbitt in writing which was used in the advert above for her UK tour. This has been established as her personal logo. Once again the picture of Nina in the forefront is what you are drew to when you look at the advert. Her make up stands out and she looks like she's portraying a strong image unlike 'The Apple tree'. With bold lips and eyeliner she looks as though she's in control rather than being controlled. There is a lot that is going on in the advert as the background has an arty pattern which is half covered by Nina. Although their isn't anything to say she is a singer with her releasing another song we can presume that she sings and that she has had success with songs before. 

The colours on this advert are brighter than the advert previously and this advert is aimed at the audience more with Nina looking straight at them. The writing stands out with a bold green box around the song title. This will make the audience members look at the box first and see what the song is called, like the first advert the Nina Nesbitt logo stands out and is visibly seen as you read the advert. 

The layout is set out well as you can see Nina Nesbitt's face which obvisiously is the main object on the advert as they are showing you the artists image. We cant see what clothing she is wearing which means we can't tell she's an Indie artist, although from her hair and make up i think most of the audience would be able to tell she's an Indie/Pop singer. 

I think the image that has been used for the advert is well chosen, she isn't expressing any emotion which lets you ave your own insight into what you think 'Don't Stop' means, this keeps you guessing until you buy the song and listen to it. Unlike the previous advert she isn't wearing sunglasses this shows that she's more interested in connecting to the audience this time, and wants the audience to know the real her rather than the image that her record label portrays her to be. 

While researching adverts from Nina Nesbitt the artist who's song my group and I are using. I have found ways in which it would attract the audience. I've found that with the artist making eye contact with the audience it makes it more personal for both the artist and the audience. This I what I hope to make in my advert. As we are promoting a magazine advert you would expect a lot of her body to be in it, therefore the audience can see her clothing and decide what genre they think she will be. Making the writing simple on the magazine advert would also attract the audience. As if you have lots of writing in small font, the audience probably wouldn't want to read it to find out more about it. Another attractive part of the magazine advert is the background. If you have a boring background the image does stand out more but it  wouldn't necessarily look very appealing and would look fairly simple to the audience. 

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates some understanding of what the purpose of a magazine advert is. Although, you have analysed a magazine tour advert, the points that you have included, demonstrates your understanding well and this is because you have related, your points to examples throughout.

    To develop this post, you need to-
    1) Relate your points back to the indie codes and conventions in more detail
    2) Consider the relationship between the artist and the audience
    3) Analyse one more advert
    4) Include a summary, to explain how your research will assist you with planning your own advert.
