Tuesday 18 March 2014

Question 1


My brief for my coursework was to complete a music video of any genre and to use an artists song for my music video. I needed to get permission for this which we asked by email to the record label. I then took inspiration from many different music videos which were similar. In our group there is myself, Drew Wyllie, Georgia Crandon and Jenna Van Bergen. My group and I came up with many ideas for our music video although we preferred Nina Nesbitt's song 'The Apple Tree'. I like this song as it has ba good beat and has lyrics which have worked well which our ideas. My role in the group was helping to film at various locations, helping to choose locations to film and also giving ideas for our group to use to make the best music video we can. I learnt how to work well in a group, how different camera shots can portray different things and how lighting can change the appearance of the footage being filmed for the audience.My group and I worked well together, if there was a problem with filming we all felt comfortable to rearrange the day and worked well together to get the best footage for the music video. I think we made a successful music video with both filming and editing for our music video and made it suit the genre so that the audience can recognise it during the first few seconds watching it.

A music video is a video that is the length of a song and has connections between the lyrics of the song, the props, costumes and setting in a music video. This advertises their song or album and with a good music video which touches the audience may get them notices and more fans would want to buy the album. As their are many different genres the difference between the genre of a song is related to the music videos, as with an R&B song like the artist Drake in 'The Motto' he shows off his clothes wearing rolex's and other expensive clothing. We also see a lot of women who seem to be dressed in minimal clothing and Drake himself is filmed in an expensive car. This is conventional for videos that are in the R&B genre, whereas other artists, such as Justin Bieber who in his song 'Beauty and a Beat' which appeals to a younger audience, is at a water park with both boys and girls appearing to be having a good time. This is conventional for a pop song and where the audience if young as you want them to enjoy the music video and understand whats happening rather than something thats too old for them. Lastly, rock which uses lots of instruments and dark clothing in their music videos to fit in with the conventions. Music videos each have a specific primary audience which they apply to in order for them to buy the song. They also get shown on different music channels, you are more likely to see a music video by rock artists on a music channel like Scuzz, which specialises in rock as a whole. MTV which has recently branched off to introduce many different channels such as MTV Hits and MTV Dance which plays similar music but are specialised to play songs which relate to their channel.

For my music video, my group and I chose a female Indie artist who follows conventions of pop and alternative. We chose this genre as we though we could have many creative ideas as she didn't have to be perfect and followz the rules of pop which has a younger audience but didn't have tot be too over the top that would start to look like more of a R&B video or rock but have a completely different sound. In my music video, my artist 'Georgia Ray' plays the guitar in the settings by the tree in the forest, this is conventional for the indie genre and will most likely be seen in every music video of the indie genre so the audience can tell they are good at playing live. we got our inspiration to have a relationship which isn't always perfect from Rihanna's music video ' We Found Love'. This showed the relationship being on both good and bad terms with a number of memories. I instantly wanted to base my music video on this. I included this in my music video by filming both Drew and Georgia in London. They seem to be having a good time while also showing their rebellious behaviour throughout. There are clips of the two in a pub also called 'The Apple Tree' this shows them enjoying each other's company. Another shot we used is where we see them in bed with Georgia looking out of the window. This shows their relationships starting to fall apart. I have followed Indie conventions in my music video by having a simple storyline. This is used a lot in Indie songs as they let the music stand out itself rather than let the video be the main aspect. We have challenged Indie conventions when styling Georgia Ray. We have chosen a lot more of a grungy style which contrasts clothes that we would expect an Indie artist to wear. Although the clothing is conventional to the location, it doesn't suit the music video. The performing section of our music video is conventional as it shows the soft side of Georgia Ray which suits the lyrics and makes us want to find out more about them both.

Thursday 13 March 2014

Question 4

Question 2

Comparison between our music video and 'Your Song' -Ellie Golding

I've decided to analyse my groups music video which is 'The Apple Tree' by Nina Nesbitt and 'Your Song' by Ellie Golding. I think our artists are similar as they both follow Indie conventions. This is shown from the true story that they use in their narrative. Ellie is filmed with her friends in the forest and with her kittens. This shows many natural sides of Ellie that her fans wouldn't necessarily see unless they were close to her. We have used a couple who have a troubled relationship, we've portrayed this by including memories to let the audience see the good times that they shared. Using memories throughout the music video allows the audience to have an insight into the artists life. This lets the audience feel like they have a closer connection to the artist, therefore buying more songs. Both my music video and Ellie's use forest scenes. This conveys to the audience that they are innocent artists. Although we see an edgy style with the way they dress. They both use bold colours such as black an dark red which portray the artist as strong. The edgy style that both the artists dress like is an Indie convention, this shows to the audience what kind of artist they are. In my music video I have used lots of high key lighting, this lets the audience see their relationship as happy and being a good couple. This is also shown in Ellie Goldings music video, as she is in the forest, she wants to let the audience see as much as they can. The editing used throughout Ellie's music video is straight cuts, which is similar to ours. She uses panning shots to capture her movements and uses lots of close ups, this again gives a more real relationship with her audience. In an Indie music video, we regularly see instruments being used, this follows the conventions of an indie music video. In my music video we have used a guitar which Georgia plays in the performance section, whereas in Ellie Goldings music video we see her friends playing the piano while Ellie sings along. This follows the conventions of the Indie genre therefore relates more to the target audience that they are aiming it for. We have chosen to have performance and narrative as 50/50 this allows their to be both the same amount of narrative that their is for performance. Ellie has also used this element in her music video using both narrative and performance at 50/50. This allows the audience to see the artist in their comfortable place with their friends and also when they performing which shows the audience what they'd be like on stage. Both of the music videos I am analysing use limited iconography, this lets the music video be simple and lets the audience focus on the song and the narrative more. Both music videos follow conventions of the Indie genre. 

True story
Forest setting
Bold clothing
Edgy style
High key lighting
Straight cuts
Piano instruments used
Red hat
Narrative and performance 50/50
Not many props
Close ups

Question 3 video

Evaluation - Question 3