Monday 16 December 2013

Group Digipak

Group Digipak

My group and I were given the task to make a Digi Pak this included one from each member which we would then pick out of to be the group Digi pak. In order to make the Digi Pak we each took photos from the photo shoot that we liked and put them into 6 slides that had to show the front and back cover, the CD, and 3 other pictures. We developed these by using Photoshop on the Mac's to enhance features and make them more presentable and polished.

With the magazine cover belonging to Drew, we decided that we should stick with his Digi Pak as they related more to each other. This would give more of a professional feel to the ancillary products as they all matched. This is vital to the ancillary products as otherwise they would look out of place. Although everyone in the group had very good Digi Pak's we each thought that staying with Drew's ancillary products would be better. All of the 6 frames in the Digi Pak that Drew made were related, this gives the contrast between the rebellious Georgia and the shy Georgia, which again was a good feature that each of us thought. The group Digi Pak has an edgy feel which is conventional to the Indie genre. Showing both sides of Georgia's personality and having both the ancillary products matching would build a greater relationship between the audience and the artist. In contrast i think that Drew could of made some improvements to his Digi Pak, such as making there less of a blur which gives the effect that its more of a dance record, and having more personal photos of Georgia without any effect which shows her shy, niave personality which the audience would like to get to know more. I also think he should of used the same writing for all of the slides which would make it more consistent. A part of the Digi Pak i do like is where he has dotted parts of newspaper around. I think this gives the idea that they are memories, a bit like what the music video is. It shows the audience that nothing is ever the same and everything always changes. Another change Drew could of made to improve his Digi Pak would be rather than having a picture on each frame of it, have another object which is conventional of the Indie genre, such as a guitar, or some images from Camden which would make the Digi Pak more edgy. Below is Drew's Digi Pak.

I will be commenting on each of the groups Digi Pak's, what is good, what could be improved and how it is conventional for the genre. First i will look at Jenna's. 

While analysing Jenna's Digi Pak we can see that the theme of the high key lighting is shown in each picture. This gives the Digi Pak a more consistent look. It follows the conventions of the Indie genre, using the forest in the background shows an innocent, happy and rebellious side of Georgia that the audience may not know. To improve this Digi Pak i would change the font and the colour's so that they stand out more when viewing the ancillary product. This would make the CD cover be seen from further away and be more significant. The image that is on the Thank you cover shows Georgia looking happy this lets the audience know that she is happy with the album and sends her thank you's to everyone who helped her with the album. It has a very heartwarming message to all those that helped her which shows her appreciation to everyone. Overall i think this Digi Pak relates to the conventions of an Indie genre and shows Georgia in a good light that would want to come across throughout the ancillary products and the music video. 

Finally i will analyse Georgia's Digi Pak.

Georgia followed Indie conventions well, she included various pictures with the guitar in view which follows the conventions and lets the audience know she makes her own songs and is a more real artist. All of her frames coincide with each other, they each have brick on the picture which relates to the music video aswell, this gives the idea that she is both innocent with the forest and the guitar and edgy with bricks everywhere. I like this idea as the audience get to know Georgia for who she is rather than the character she is playing to get sales. Georgia hasn't written a thank you cover which i think is fairly important as it gives the artist the chance to thank everyone who has worked on the record. I think the CD cover which she has made with a different pattern going across the brick work looks really good, which stops the CD from being boring with just the bricks over it. Overall, i think that Georgia has made a good Digi Pak which relates to the Indie genre. 

After reviewing everyone's Digi Pak's, we have chosen to use Drew's as the group Digi Pak as it is more consistent with the magazine cover also by Drew. This makes the whole ancillary products look professional as they have the same kind of look. They both use the features of ripped newspaper which creates an edgy effect, and also makes you want to find out more about Georgia Ray.

Rough Cut

  • Why is Rough cut important to consider
  • Why is it important to consider audience feedback
  • How did you recieve your feedback? Youtube, interview?
  • What feedback did you recieve?
  • How will the feedback assist you with finalising your final music video?
Rough cut is important to consider when making a music video as we can evaluate our music video and get other people's opinions from outside of the group to make changes which can improve the music video in a whole.

One of the main processes which help us make a better music video is when we get feedback this lets other people criticise our music video and give us positive and negative feedback which we take on and change to accord. Everyone will have a different opinion on this so it is good to get everyones different conception to get the best music video we can possibly get.

Our group deciding to share our music video on Youtube so we can also get other peoples opinions that we don't know. This makes the criticism more harsh as they aren't trying to make us feel good. It also has a huge number of people which visits the site on a regular basis which means there will be more people viewing the music video than any other social networking site. We also showed people at school who gave us helpful information such as a teacher who stated 'Its a great music video, however some of the performance singing is out of time'. We initially thought we would have to add a bit of film to make the music fit the video and after fiddling around with the video we changed it so it is now in time. We also had a comment from a student in media, Amy who said 'It is very conventional to the indie genre, i love how the characters are really quirky'. This shows that we have been successful in representing our characters and genre as Indie. This is a positive comment that made us happy with the footage we have. These pieces of feedback let us finish our work to a good standard which answers the feedback we have had. 

As we have a fairly young target audience we realised we needed to promote the music video in places where young people would socialize. This lead us to social networking sites such as facebook. We decided to share the music video to facebook via youtube which allowed us to promote the video to our friends aswell as strangers over the internet. This makes it easier for all different types of people to view the music video which will be published on many social networking sites. 

The feedback which we have received after showcasing our rough cut video has allowed us to find out other peoples criticisms on how we can improve our video. Changes that we made were retiming Georgia's singing so it fits perfectly with the song. We also added some more effects with some of the footage and also made flashes inbetween the cuts if some sections when the two are in Camden. This has made the video a lot better and makes it look more professional. I am extremely happy with how the music video has turned out.